I’m currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Grand Valley State University, in Allendale, Michigan.

Before that, I was a post-doctoral Teaching Fellow at Fordham University, where I graduated with a PhD in philosophy in 2018.

My current research is broadly in the areas of 19th- and 20th-century European (“Continental”) philosophy—especially existentialism and post-structuralism—and most recently in the existential tradition of Jewish philosophy as represented by figures like Benjamin Fondane (1898-1944), Lev Chestov (1866-1938), and Rachel Bespaloff (1895-1949). For more on my current (and past) research, visit my Research Page.

In addition to my academic interests, I’m a lover of classical music, a reader of history and literature when I find the time, and an avid movie-watcher. I have a wonderful wife named Erin, a beautiful son named Alphonse, and a spunky rescue dog named Rusty.